Golf Course, St. Regis, Montana
2024 Tournaments
us for entry forms and availability.
Men’s League every Thursdays through October Course is closed after 5:45pm during this period. |
Men's League Fun Night Thursday April 25th 6:00pm |
Women's League Mondays starting Mid June Course is closed after 5:45pm |
St. Regis High School Tourney Thursday April 25th 9:30am |
Nick Triplett Memorial Saturday May 11th 9:15am Course Closed until 12:30pm |
Nugget Campground Friday May 17th 9:30am Closed until 5:00pm |
Dru Duncan Friday May 17th 1:00pm Closed until 5:00pm |
Trestle Creek Open (sign up by June 2nd) Saturday June 8th
Course Closed |
Noonan Fun Day July 4th 1:30pm course closed |
Digger Open String Game
July 13th
9:30am |
Sandpoint Group July 27th |
Maggots rugby team August 10th Closed until 3:30pm |
Club Championship 1st round 18 holes either day with witness Friday, August 16th Saturday, August 17th
Club Championship Final Day Flight by Handicap & # of Entrants Sunday, August 18th |
Medical Foundation Tournament Sept 7th 9:00am Closed until 3:30pm |
Fish and Golf Saturday, Sept 14th 10:30am Closed until 4:00pm |
Note: All tournament dates, start times, and fees are subject to change. All Tournaments are open for PUBLIC SIGN-UP unless otherwise noted.
Please call the clubhouse to confirm 406-649-2680 |
Our Sponsors:
Campground St. Regis
Joe Cantrell Outfitting
Mineral County Chamber
Nugget Campground
Stang's Food Center
Super 8
Talking Bird Saloon
Lincolns Silver $
Lincolns Exxon
St. Regis Travel Center
Private Tournaments:
Contact Information
For additional information about the Trestle Creek
Golf Course in St. Regis, Montana, please contact us via email, mail or
Trestle Creek Golf Course
23 Trestle Creek Drive
PO Box 422
St. Regis, MT 59866
Off-Season Phone: 406-274-1358